Attic, usually used to store old and useless objects, acquired another duty, becoming currently one of the most pleasant places to spend free time. The name "attics" was put forth by an French architect Francois Mansart (1598 - 1666), which has used this term in most of his works.

Along the time this residual space received various destinations. Initially uses as living space of servitors, the attic became in the 19th century a proper place for artists. The main issue which has caused this change was that of travel: isolated by hostile world, located somewhere above, the artists have considered it a bridge connecting with sky, a space propitious creation.

There are several aspects that any owner should have them in mind when it decides to change the bridge house in a pleasant room.

- Light: in case there is enough natural light, you can install bigger windows or lighting fixtures to create a bright and welcoming space.
- Insulations, heating, ventilation
- The floor
- Crossing space above the head
- Access roads

